The Mount Vernon Statesman

“Debunking Mr. Sabato”
The intended purpose of an electoral college:   To ‘magnify’ or ‘mitigate’ ?
Joseph A. Glean    ·    The Mount Vernon Statesman    ·    Sunday, November 18, 2012

  A response to Larry Sabato, written by Joseph A. “Joe” Glean, former candidate for the Virginia General Assemby (2011) and former state chairman of Virginia For Alan Keyes (2008).

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ALEXANDRIA, VA    ·    On NewsRadio WINA 1070 AM (Charlottesville, VA), during a broadcast that aired on Monday, November 12, 2012, University of Virginia Political Science Professor, Larry J. Sabato, seems to have made a rather conspicuous attempt to re-define the purpose of the electoral college.

He informed listeners that the Frye/White electors [recent winners of the Virginia General Election] have been given what he wished to call “a big electoral college mandate” to cast their votes for Obama, and to do so emphatically, without taking any other object into consideration.

[In poised anticipation of what we hope is ‘soon to come’ (namely the rendering of an
Official Opinion by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli), perhaps this comment was meant to deliver a preemptive ‘slight’ against the principal talking-point of our campaign?]

Sabato then went on to say, “Just as the founders designed it, the electoral college magnifies a popular vote victory.”

Contrary to this fantastic claim, I wish to reiterate something that I wrote about back in 2008.  From its very inception the electoral college was, in fact, intended to mitigate (not magnify) a popular vote victory, through the careful, deliberate infusion of moral temperance.

In other words, Mr. Sabato has got it backwards!

As spoken in 1918, by the distinguished New York Democrat, Rev. Dr. Stephen S. Wise (Rabbi):  He who holds democracy to be “the rule of the mob” is not a true, American democrat, “whether his forebears came to Massachusetts in 1620 or he to New York” within the last decade.

Though it appears to stand in absolute conflict with Mr. Sabato’s worldview, the electoral college was actually meant to accomplish precisely what Rabbi Wise spent many of his best years advocating:  A “revival of the moral strength and purpose of the people.”

Out of respect for the Wise proposition, all Americans [and especially those who “like Wise” acknowledge God] ought to recognize that a certain measure of deference must be vested in the hope of Providential wisdom, that it might impose an irresistible feeling of moral courage upon each and every individual appointed (and thereby entrusted) to serve as an elector.

So that when an overwhelming majority of people [adherents of the counterculture, purveyors of immorality, followers of the whimsical, and/or subjects to the political elite] should move to predicate that which cannot be justified on a sound, moral basis, the electors are obligated to intervene, taking whatever rightful, needful, lawful action is required to hold our nation to the course advocated by our founding charters.

It is their duty to do so!

And in that moment of final deliberation, by the wisdom and courage imparted unto them by Almighty God, they are required (and should be expected) to take decisive action toward that purpose.

They are — in every respect — to serve as guardians of our moral sovereignty, endeavoring to reach the healthiest conclusion, in any and every way the electorate has empowered them to do so.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the Virginia electorate empowered
the Frye/White electors to do just that, ratifying (and thereby qualifying) two tickets for equal consideration at the electoral college:

· The first —which Mr. Sabato means to advance — engineered by the “political parties, and
· the second — which Mr. Sabato means to defuse — constructed by “ordinary citizens.

What this means is that when the electoral college convenes in Richmond on Monday, December 17, 2012, the Virginia electors (for the first time in decades) will actually have a choice to make — and a critical choice, at that!  One that will decide the destiny, not only of our precious Commonwealth, but of our entire nation.

In the final deliberation, these thirteen individuals must decide for themselves, whether they intend to cast their ballot in a way that corresponds to the attentive, moral competence observed by ordinary, God-acknowledging citizens throughout our Commonwealth, or to merely follow in lockstep with the hyper-secularized doctrine and directives of the political elite.

Rightly fulfilling the duty of an elector, and doing so with absolute integrity, is no easy burden — especially given our current age of moral depravity.

And so regardless of your political beliefs or your party affiliation, I am asking
all those who acknowledge God to keep this matter in prayer.

May each of these
thirteen electors arrive safely to Richmond on Monday, December 17, 2012, and may each be met with the wisdom and peace of our Lord.

Joseph A. Glean,
“Acknowledger of God”


     ·   postscript    ·   

If I may close with one final word from the good Rabbi Wise, concerning the deliberate advancement of homosexuality [and other counter-matrimonial exploits] on the free people of our nation:

“ . . . to end these miserable unions, that are mere travesties upon marriage; and to wipe out the immorality that now flows from the Law itself, would not be an evil, but a consummation profoundly to be wished and welcomed.  The State would then be dealing wisely with a condition that it now chooses to ignore; it would be meting out justice to those whom the Law now visits with injustice and without mercy.”

Such was the opinion of Rabbi Wise, one of New York’s most influential and celebrated Democrats of the 20th Century.

I pray, that if there be any remnant of justice, or scrap of decency left in this world
. . . Lord, let it speak directly to the heart of Virginia’s electors (just as it spoke to the Rev. Dr. Wise a century ago) — and let it speak boldly!

So that our Father in heaven might — through them —renew the blessings of Liberty and Peace in this lost generation;  So that He might once again cause His fame to be known among the people of this land.

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