ELECTION DAY:   Tuesday,  November  6,  2012.

An opportunity to re-assert America’s principles at the ballot-box?
Joseph A. Glean    ·    The Mount Vernon Statesman    ·    Monday, October 29, 2012


ALEXANDRIA, VA    ·    DEAR VIRGINIA VOTER — If you believe (as I do) that ordinary citizens were meant to have every bit as much right as the political parties to present their nominations for President and Vice-President before the electoral college, I invite you and encourage you to support either one of the following two tickets when you vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2012:


Option 1:
Joseph A. Glean
Jamie Johnson



Option 2:
Joseph A. Glean
Darlene Herleikson


On Friday, October 26, 2012, I presented myself before the Virginia State Board of Elections and announced my intention to run for President of the United States of America.

There is one salient difference between this campaign and the other “third-party” campaigns that have come together over the past several months.

Most all of these other campaigns will effectively end on Wed., Nov. 7, 2012, when the winning electors are announced.

Our campaign, however, has taken great care to make sure the electoral college, in Virginia, will be enabled to work the way it was intended to work.

Consequently, not only can I say with “hopeful conviction” that our electors will win in Virginia — I can say it with exactly the same level of presumption and confidence that the political parties plainly assert in announcing [several months in advance of the general election] that “theirs” will win.

What enables me to join them in making such a claim?
  The fact that we share the very same electors.  Every single one of them has been successfully pledged to our campaign.  And so whatever element of political confidence or “advance knowledge” is to be placed in the notion that these electors are destined to win the general election in Virginia, our campaign now holds an equal share in it.

Victory in Virginia will just be a matter of persuading seven of the thirteen winning electors to support our ticket when the electors convene in Richmond, VA, on Monday, December 17, 2012, to cast their official ballots at the electoral college.


Join our campaign for equal consideration at Virginia’s electoral college!


For those who wish to gain a better understanding of what I mean to accomplish through this campaign:

    ·    A remedy for those who’ve lost faith in the electoral process?

    ·    Grounds for equal consideration at Virginia’s electoral college?

    ·    An opportunity to re-assert America’s principles at the ballot-box?

WHY NOT ROMNEY?   ·   My response to Liberty University’s endorsement of Mitt Romney.
    ·    http://www.mountvernonstatesman.com/libertys-disgrace.JPG   ·   JPEG Image



To get a better idea of where I stand on some of the other important political challenges we face:

   ·   From my 2011 campaign archives:
    ·    http://www.rise-to-the-rescue.com/intro.htm   ·   An overview of my political positions.

League of Women Voters
   ·   2011 Voters’ Guide (My questionnaire responses).
    ·    http://www.rise-to-the-rescue.com/The-League-of-Women-Voters-questionnaire-responses.pdf   ·   PDF

“Equal Protection for Posterity”
   ·   My response to a voter’s inquiry about abortion rights.
    ·    http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=290328290993531   ·   Facebook Users Only

On the eve of Election Day 2011
   ·   From last year’s archives, my final appeal to voters.
    ·    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h89XaxWLl4   ·   YouTube Video

2011 Election Day Handout
   ·   Includes a list of endorsements, public policy positions, etc.
    ·    http://www.mountvernonstatesman.com/2011-election-day-handout.JPG   ·   JPEG Image

Virginia House District 44:
   Joe Glean's concession speech   Nov. 14, 2011.
    ·    http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=314989271860766   ·   Facebook Users Only


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Campaign Website:  http://www.mountvernonstatesman.com/